
Todo app

Challenge: Create a todo app following given designs. Use Front-end libraries like React or Vue. Don’t look at the existing solution. Fulfill user stories below:

  • User story: I can add a new task
  • User story: I can complete a task
  • User story: I can toggle between All, Active and Completed
  • User story: I can remove one or all tasks under the Completed tab
  • User story (optional): Store the data in local storage that when I refresh the page I can still see my progress


Once you completed, submit your solutions by providing URLs for both GitHub repository and live app on any hosting platform (5 Free Hosting Platform) and explain briefly what you have done.

As long as you fulfill all the user stories, you can give your personal touches by adding transition, using your own images, changing colors,...

Remember to put your name on the footer to prevent other from submitting your solutions.

You can check others’ solutions and give them feedbacks.

How to start

  1. Read the challenge's details
  2. Start the challenge and download the resources
  3. Check designs on Figma
  4. Have fun coding!!