
Tweeter - Twitter Clone

Challenge: Create a Twitter clone app - Tweeter. Use any front-end libraries of your choice. Create your API. Don’t look at the existing solution. Fulfill user stories below:

  • User story: I can see my profile or others' profile

  • User story: When I am on a profile, I can see Tweets and Retweets. I can also filter by Tweets, Tweets and replies, Media and Likes

  • User story: When I am on a profile, I can see followers and following

  • User story: When I am on a profile, I can see follow or unfollow the user

  • User story: I can navigate between Home, Explore and Bookmarks

  • User story: I can navigate to My Profile, Group Chat (optional), Setting/Authentication App.

  • User story: When I am on Home, I can post a new Tweet

  • User story: When I post a new Tweet, I can choose to upload an image and set the Tweet to be public or only-follower

  • User story: When I am on Home, I can see Tweets of people who I follow

  • User story: I can Comment, Retweet, Like or Save a Tweet

  • User story: I can Comment with image and I can like a comment

  • User story: I can see the posted time of the Comments and Tweets

  • User story: When I am on Home, I can see the most popular hashtags and people I should follow (it's up to you how to implement this)

  • User story: When I am on Explore, I can see the Top, Latest Tweet, or Tweet with Media. I can also choose to see the most popular people

  • User story: When I am on Bookmarks, I can see the Saved Tweet

  • User story(optional): I can search for a group

You can use the Authentication Challenge or create your own authentication application for this challenge.

You can check out Twitter for the interactions.


Once you completed, submit your solutions by providing URLs for both GitHub repository and live app on any hosting platform (5 Free Hosting Platform) and explain briefly what you have done.

As long as you fulfill all the user stories, you can give your personal touches by adding transition, using your own images, changing colors,...

Remember to put your name on the footer to prevent other from submitting your solutions.

You can check others’ solutions and give them feedbacks.

How to start

  1. Read the challenge's details
  2. Start the challenge and download the resources
  3. Check designs on Figma
  4. Have fun coding!!